Description File Structure

The structure of the Touch Portal plugin system revolves around the plugin description file. This is a JSON file '' which describes the plugin. Touch Portal loads this files and with the given data, it will create action categories, actions, events, connectors, settings and states within Touch Portal.

Plugin Structure (

The description file is a file containing a JSON object. This object has the following attributes in its root. On the right is an example of how it could look like.

Key Type Req. Api Description
sdk Number yes 1.0 DEPRECATED

When targeting API 7 and above of the Touch Portal API this key is deprecated and the api key should be used.
api Number yes 7.0 This should represent the API version of Touch Portal this plugin is build for. Versioning data:

Api 1 is introduced in Touch Portal v2.1
Api 2 is introduced in Touch Portal v2.2
Api 3 is introduced in Touch Portal v2.3
Api 4 is introduced in Touch Portal v3.0
Api 5 is introduced in Touch Portal v3.0.6
Api 6 is introduced in Touch Portal v3.0.11
Api 7 is introduced in Touch Portal v4.0
Api 8 is introduced in Touch Portal v4.1
Api 9 is introduced in Touch Portal v4.2
Api 10 is introduced in Touch Portal v4.3
version Number yes 1.0 A number representing your own versioning. Currently this variable is not used by Touch Portal but may be used in the future. This should be an integer value. So only whole numbers, no decimals. This version value will be send back after the pairing has been done.
name Text yes 1.0 This is the name of the Plugin. This will show in Touch Portal in the settings section "Plug-ins". (From Touch Portal version 2.2)
id Text yes 1.0 This is the unique ID of the Plugin. Use an id that will only be used by you. So use a prefix for example.
configuration Object No 1.0 This object is used to specify some configuration options of the plug-in. The child objects of this object are described below.
(Child Object)
Text No 1.0 When users use your actions and events they will be rendered in their own flows. This attribute tells Touch Portal which dark color to use in those actions and events. When this is not specified the default plug-in colors will be used in Touch Portal. Preferably use the color schemes of the software or product you are making a plug-in for to increase recognizability. Use heximal values that represent the color you want it to be in the format "#FF0000".

Note: these color will be ignored in some of the themes within Touch Portal. There is no way to override this behaviour.
(Child Object)
Text No 1.0 When users use your actions and events they will be rendered in their own flows. This attribute tells Touch Portal which dark color to use in those actions and events. When this is not specified the default plug-in colors will be used in Touch Portal. Preferably use the color schemes of the software or product you are making a plug-in for to increase recognizability. Use heximal values that represent the color you want it to be in the format "#FF0000".

Note: these color will be ignored in some of the themes within Touch Portal. There is no way to override this behaviour.
(Child Object)
Text No 7.0 You can add your plug-in in specific categories within Touch Portal. These main categories are used within the category and action control which the user uses to add an action to a flow of actions. Use one of the following category ids:
audio - for all audio, music and media related plug-ins.
streaming - for all streaming related plug-ins.
content - for all Content Creation related plug-ins.
homeautomation - for all Home Automation related plug-ins.
social - for all social media related plug-ins.
games - for all game related plug-ins.
misc - This is the default category a plugin falls into even when this attribute of the configuration has not been specified. All plug-ins not fitting in one of the categories above should be placed in this category.
conferencing - for all conferencing calls related plug-ins.
office - for all office type of application and services related plug-ins.
system - for all System related plug-ins.
tools - for all tools not fitting in other categories.
transport - for all communication and transport protocol related plug-ins.
input - for all input device and controller related plug-ins.
plugin_start_cmd Text No 1.0 Specify the path of execution here. You should be aware that it will be passed to the OS process exection service. This means you need to be aware of spaces and use absolute paths to your executable.

If you use %TP_PLUGIN_FOLDER% in the text here, it will be replaced with the path to the base plugins folder. So append your plugins folder name to it as well to access your plugin base folder.

This execution will be done when the plugin is loaded in the system and only if it is a valid plugin. Use this to start your own service that communicates with the Touch Portal plugin system.
plugin_start_cmd_windows Text No 4.0 (TP v3.0.5+) This is the same plugin_start_cmd but will only run on a Windows desktop. If this is specified Touch Portal will not run the default plugin_start_cmd when this plug-in is used on Windows but only this entry.
plugin_start_cmd_mac Text No 4.0 (TP v3.0.5+) This is the same plugin_start_cmd but will only run on a MacOS desktop. If this is specified Touch Portal will not run the default plugin_start_cmd when this plug-in is used on MacOS but only this entry.
plugin_start_cmd_linux Text No 4.0 (TP v3.0.5+) This is the same plugin_start_cmd but will only run on a Linux desktop. If this is specified Touch Portal will not run the default plugin_start_cmd when this plug-in is used on Linux but only this entry.
categories Array Yes 1.0 This is the collection that holds all the action categories. Categories are used in the action list in Touch Portal. Each Category must contain at least an item such as an action, an event or an connector. More on this in the category section.
settings Array No 3.0 This is the collection that holds all the settings for this plug-in
settingsDescription Text No 10.0 This description text can be used to add information on the top of the plug-in settings page. You can use this to have a setup guide or important text to show when setting up your plug-in.

In general this is normal text but it can be formatted a bit with the following functionality:

  • \n - this will create a new line.
  • # - this will create a sub header but only if it is the first character on a new line.
  • 1. - this can be used to create a list item. It only works if the first characters of the line are a numbers followed by a period. JSON Structure

  "name":"Tutorial SDK Plugin",
  "configuration" : {
    "colorDark" : "#FF0000",
    "colorLight" : "#00FF00",
    "parentCategory" : "misc"
  "plugin_start_cmd":"executable.exe -param",
  "categories": [ ],
  "settings": [ ],

This describes a plugin called 'Tutorial SDK Plugin'. It will execute the plugin_start_cmd value when the plugin gets started in Touch Portal. This example does not provide any categories or settings.