
Actions are one of the core components of Touch Portal. As a plug-in developer you can define actions for your plug-in that the user can add to their flow of actions in their buttons and events. An action is part of a Category and can be defined as a JSON object.

On the right you can see examples of both static and dynamic actions. Static Actions are actions that can be run without communication. Touch Portal allows communication between the plugin and Touch Portal but for some actions this is not required. For these situations you can use the static actions. This allows for developers to create plugins easier without to much hassle. With dynamic actions you are required to set up and run an application or service that communicates with Touch Portal. With static actions you can use commandline execution that will run directly from Touch Portal.

Please note: when a user adds an action belonging to a plugin, it will create a local copy of the action and saves it along with the action. This means that if you change something in your action the users need to remove their instance of that action and re-add it to be able to use the new additions.

The attributes of the Action JSON object;

Key Type Req. API Description
id Text Yes 1.0 This is the id of the action. It is used to identify the action within Touch Portal. This id needs to be unique across plugins. This means that if you give it the id "1" there is a big chance that it will be a duplicate. Touch Portal may reject it or when the other action is called, yours will be as well with wrong data. Best practice is to create a unique prefix for all your actions like in our case; tp_pl_action_001.
name Text Yes 1.0 This is the name of the action. This will be used as the action name in the action category list.
name_(languagecode) Text No 7.0 Language specific version of the name. Add _nl (name_nl) for example for the Dutch translation. Ensure to only use langauges supported in Touch Portal. Currently these are nl, de, es, fr, pt and tr. This is the list as of the end of 2022. Be sure to check the language settings in Touch Portal if you want to add a different language.
type Text Yes 1.0 This is the attribute that specifies whether this is a static action "execute" or a dynamic action "communicate".
executionType Text No 1.0 This is the attribute that specifies what kind of execution this action should use. This a Mac only functionality. Options: "AppleScript" or "Bash".
execution_cmd Text No 1.0 Specify the path of execution here. You should be aware that it will be passed to the OS process exection service. This means you need to be aware of spaces and use absolute paths to your executable.

If you use %TP_PLUGIN_FOLDER% in the text here, it will be replaced with the path to the base plugin folder.
data Array No 1.0 This is a collection of action data (see definition further down this page) which can be specified by the user. These data id's can be used to fill up the execution_cmd text or the format (see example on the right side).
lines Object Yes 7.0 This is the object for specifying the action and/or onhold lines. Check the Lines Object below.
subCategoryId Text No 7.0 This attribute allows you to connect this action to a specified subcategory id. This action will then be shown in Touch Portals Action selection list attached to that subcategory instead of the main parent category.
prefix Text Yes 1.0 This is the text that is displayed before the name of the action in the action list of a button.

From API 7 Touch Portal does not support popup windows anymore and all actions need to be defined with the lines attribute. This prefix was used when no format was being present.
description Text No 1.0 This will add text to the popup window. It will be shown on the top of the popup. This can be used to explain parts of the plugin data.
2.0 From version 2.0 of the Api (Touch Portal v2.2) this description will also be used in the inline actions on top to be able to add information about the action where applicable.

From API 7 Touch Portal does not support popup windows anymore and therefor the description will not be shown in the popup message anymore as it will not be present anymore. The description for inline actions from version 2.0 has been deprecated and you should use the lines attribute.
tryInline Switch No 1.0 Adding this attribute to the action will make this an inline action. User can edit data from the action list instead of a popup. Options are "true" or "false". Default is false.

From API 7 Touch Portal does not support popup windows anymore and all actions need to be defined with the lines attribute.
format Text Yes 1.0 This will be the format of the inline action. Use the id's of the data objects to place them within the text. Example given:

"format":"When {$actiondata001$} has {$actiondata002$} and number {$actiondata003$} is {$actiondata004$}",

This is a fictive form but it shows how to use this. The data object with the id 'actiondata001' will be shown at the given location. To have an data object appear on the action line, use the format {$id$} where id is the id of the data object you want to show the control for.

From API 7 the format attribute has been replaced by the lines attribute.
hasHoldFunctionality Switch No 3.0 Adding this attribute to the action will allow the action to be used with the Hold functionality. The action will appear in the list when the user wants to add actions to the hold functionality. This switch will only work with dynamic actions. Options are "true" or "false". Default is false.

From API 7 you are not required to specify whether an action also has an on hold component. This is derived from whether or not the action has on hold lines. If there are lines for the on hold functionality this action is automatically added to the on hold actions.

Lines Collection Object

The lines object consist of the parts; the action lines and the onhold lines. You can specify either or both. Those arrays then consist of lines information per supported language.

Key Type Req. Api Description
action Array No 7.0 This is the array for lingual action line information. Each entry in this array should represent line information for a specific language that Touch Portal supports. Use "default" for the English language. The default should always be present in this array. If it is not, the lines will not be rendered in Touch Portal.
onhold Array No 7.0 This is the array for lingual onhold line information. Each entry in this array should represent line information for a specific language that Touch Portal supports. Use "default" for the English language. The default should always be present in this array. If it is not, the lines will not be rendered in Touch Portal.

Lingual Lines Object

Each of the Lines Collection Object consists of an array of lingual lines objects. Each object representing the rendering of the action in a different language.

Key Type Req. Api Description
language Text Yes 7.0 This is the country code of the language this line information contains. Use "default" for the English language. The default should always be present.If it is not, the lines will not be rendered in Touch Portal even if you have language specific lines.
data Array Yes 7.0 This is the array of line objects representing the lines of the action. This array should have at least 1 entry. We suggest to not use more than 3 lines to keep action lists clean and clear. Use a maximum of 8 lines in your actions as that will reduce the usability for the end user as the actions might get to big on smaller screens to properly view and scroll.
suggestions Object Optional 7.0 This is a suggestions object where you can specify certain rendering behaviours of the action lines. These are suggestions and my be overruled in certain situations in Touch Portal. One example is rendering lines for different action rendering themes in Touch Portal.

Line Object

This object represents a line in an rendered action.

Key Type Req. Api Description
lineFormat Text Yes 7.0 This will be the format of the rendered line in the action. Use the id's of the data objects to place them within the text. Example given:

"When {$actiondata001$} has {$actiondata002$} and number {$actiondata003$} is {$actiondata004$}"

This is a fictive form but it shows how to use this. The data object with the id 'actiondata001' will be shown at the given location. To have an data object appear on the action line, use the format {$id$} where id is the id of the data object you want to show the control for.

Suggestions Object

The attributes of the aforementioned suggestions object;

Key Type Req. API Description
firstLineItemLabelWidth Number No 7.0 This option will set the width of the first part on a line if it is text. This can be used to make your action more clear for our users. This can be usefull when you list one item to set per line.
lineIndentation Number No 7.0 This option will add padding on the left for each line of a multiline format. If this is used together with firstLineItemLabelWidth the padding will be part of the that width and will not be added onto it.

Action (static) Object JSON Structure

  "name":"Execute action",
  "lines": {
    "action": [
        "language": "default",
        "data" : [
            "lineFormat":"Play Beep Sound"
  "execution_cmd":"powershell [console]::beep(200,500)",
  "data":[ ]

This shows a JSON of an action that does not require communication with a plugin application (static). The action is set up to use powershell to create a beep sound when it is executed.

Action (dynamic) Object JSON Structure

  "id": "tp_pl_action_002",
  "name": "Execute Dynamic Action",
  "lines": {
    "action": [
        "language": "default",
        "data" : [
            "lineFormat":"Do something with value {$tp_pl_002_text$}"
  "type": "communicate",
  "data": [
      "type": "text",
      "label": "text",
      "default": "",
      "id": "tp_pl_002_text"

This shows a JSON of an action that does require communication with a plugin application (dynamic). When executed, it will send the information the user has entered in the text field with id (tp_pl_002_text) to the plug-in. Touch Portal will parse the id from the format line and will present the user with the given control to allow for user input.

Multiple Lines and langauges action

  "id": "tp_pl_action_002",
  "name": "Do something",
  "name_nl": "Doe iets",
  "lines": {
    "action": [
        "language": "default",
        "data" : [
            "lineFormat":"This actions shows multiple lines;",
            "lineFormat":"Do something with value {$tp_pl_002_text$}"
        "language": "nl",
        "data" : [
            "lineFormat":"Deze actie bevat meerdere regels;",
            "lineFormat":"Doe iets met waarde {$tp_pl_002_text$}"
  "type": "communicate",
  "data": [
      "type": "text",
      "label": "text",
      "default": "",
      "id": "tp_pl_002_text"

This shows a JSON of an action that has multiple lines in the action and also has multiple language support.

Action Data structure

As a plug-in developer you can augment your actions with additional data that the user has to fill in. It uses the same structures as the native actions from Touch Portal itself.

You can use this for both static actions as dynamic actions. The user will have to specify values for the given data field within Touch Portal. This can be inline like in version 2.1 or it can be done through a popup window. This also depends on the amount of data fields. The following objects can be used in the action array of a category:

Each data object has its own combination of mandatory fields, use the example provided to create data fields. Below are the types and the explanation.

Key Type Req. Api Description
id Text Yes 1.0 This is the id of the data field. Touch Portal will use this for communicating the values or to place the values in the result.
type Text Yes 1.0 The type of data:

textA data type that accepts a string
numberA data type that accepts a number
switchA data type that accepts a true or false value
choiceA data type that accepts a string where a collection of strings can be chosen from

2.0 The type of data:

fileA data type that represents a file which the user can pick with a file chooser
folderA data type that represents a folder which the user can pick with a folder chooser
colorA data type that represents a color which the user can pick with a color chooser. This value must be in a the format #RRGGBBAA.

10.0 The type of data (connectors only):

lowerBoundA data type that represents a field for the user to specify the lower bound of the slider range. The amount of decimals will also specify the precision. For example, if the user sets the lower bound to 1, all values will be whole numbers. If the value is set to 1.0 it will return connector values times 10, if the value is set to 1.00 it will return connector values times 100. The plug-in is responsible of dividing the value to the proper range before it is used. Connectors are only capable of sending integer data.
upperBoundA data type that represents a field for the user to specify the upper bound of the slider range. The amount of decimals will also specify the precision. For example, if the user sets the upper bound to 1, all values of the connector will be send as normal but will be translated to the range specified. If the value is set to 1.0 it will return connector values times 10, if the value is set to 1.00 it will return connector values times 100. The plug-in is responsible of dividing the value to the proper range before it is used. Connectors are only capable of sending integer data.
Both fields will be checked for precision. The higher precision will be used. A range between 1 and 5.0 means it will use the 5.0 for the precision.

label Text Yes 1.0 This is the text used in the popup windows


From API 7 Touch Portal does not support popup windows anymore and all actions need to be defined with the format attribute. This label was used when no format was being present.
default Text
Yes 1.0 This is the default value the data object has. Use the correct types of data for the correct type of data object. Eg: The switch data object expects a true or false here.
valueChoices Array No 1.0 This is a collection of strings that the user can choose from.
extensions Array No 2.0 This is a collection of extensions allowed to open. This only has effect when used with the file type.

eg: "extensions": ["*.jpg","*.png",]
allowDecimals Switch No 2.0 This field can only be used with the "number" type and tells the system whether this data field should allow decimals in the number. The default is "true".
minValue Number No 3.0 This is the lowest number that will be accepted. The user will get a message to correct the data if it is lower and the new value will be rejected.
maxValue Number No 3.0 This is the highest number that will be accepted. The user will get a message to correct the data if it is higher and the new value will be rejected.

Action Data (Text) JSON Structure

  "default":"any text"

This shows a JSON of an action data of the type text which will present the user with a text field where the user can enter a value. The textfield will be prefilled with the default value "any text".

Action Data (Number) JSON Structure


This shows a JSON of an action data of the type number which will present the user with a number field. The number field only accepts values between (and including) 100 and 350. The field will be prefilled with the default value 200 when the action is created.

Action Data (Choice) JSON Structure

  "valueChoices": [

This shows a JSON of an action data of the type choice which will present the user with a drop down selection box. The user will be able to select one of the predefined options. In this case the predefined default option 200 is selected when the action is created.

Action Data (Switch) JSON Structure


This shows a JSON of an action data of the type switch which will present the user with an option to either set is as on or as off.