
As a plug-in developer you can add settings to your plug-in which can be set by the user in Touch Portals settings window. These settings can be changed by the user and when the user changes them, a message to the plug-in is send to the plug-in application.

Key Type Req. Api Description
name Text Yes 3.0 This is the name of the settings in the settings overview. This is also the identifier.
default Text No 3.0 This will be the default value for your setting.
type Text Yes 3.0 This will specify what type of settings you can use. Currently you can only use "text" or "number".
10.0 The list from version 10 for all possible types are;
  • text - a normal text field settings item, can be used with maxLength, readOnly and isPassword
  • number - a number text field settings item.
  • file - a file selector.
  • folder - a folder selector.
  • multiline - a multiline text field.
  • switch - a switch for boolean settings.
  • choice - a choice box for preset options, can be used with choices.
maxLength Number No 3.0 This is the max amount of characters a text settings value can have.
isPassword Switch No 3.0 If the setting is of the type "password" you should enable this as it will hide the characters from the input field. It will show dots instead. Please do know that communication between Touch Portal and the plug-in is open text. This option is made so that random people will not be able to peek at the password field. It is not secure.
minValue Number No 3.0 The minimum number value allowed for a number type setting.
maxValue Number No 3.0 The maximum number value allowed for a number type setting.
readOnly Switch No 3.0 For some settings you do not want the user to edit them but you do want to share them. Using this switch will allow you to do so. Updating these setting values should be done with the dynamic functions.
tooltip Object No 7.0 An optional tooltip object allowing you to explain more about the setting.
10.0 From API 10 (Touch Portal 4.3) all tooltips will be shown as a description text above the control in the plug-in settings. This is part of a redesign of the settings section.
choices Array No 10.0 The collection of string options to be used with type choice.

The following shows the Tooltip object that you can reference in the setting data.

Key Type Req. API Description
title Text No 7.0 This is the title for the tooltip. If this is not added or is left empty, the title will not be shown in the tooltip.
body Text Yes 7.0 This is the body for the tooltip. This text is mandatory.
docUrl Text No 7.0 This is the url to the documentation if this is available. If this is empty, no link to documentation is added in the tooltip.

Setting Object JSON Structure


This shows a JSON of a setting.

    "body":"Learn more about how tooltips work in the Touch Portal API documentation.",

This shows a JSON of a setting with a Tooltip.