New In Release Version 4.0

A new version! We changed & added a lot again in version 4.0. Check it out below. The theme this version is missing actions and events! But we have done a lot more as well

New Multiple Devices Upgrade

With this Upgrade you will be able to connect multiple devices to one Touch Portal desktop. One device, the primary device, will be the device that will act on automatic navigation based on the active application on your desktop and the rest of the devices will function as a secondary devices. These will not act on automatic navigation but will be able to fully operate on their own.

The new Multiple Devices Upgrade.

All connected devices, even without the Multiple Devices Upgrade, will show in the connected device panel popup. This panel will describe the specifics about a connected device.

All your connected devices can be viewed in the connected devices panel.

The Multiple Devices upgrade is purchased and connected to your store (Google or Apple) account just like all other Upgrades in Touch Portal. This means that all devices that use an account that has purchased the Multiple Devices Upgrade can be used to connect with the desktop application. If you buy the license for both iOS and Android, it means that both can connect at the same time to the desktop. As long as the device has the license it can connect as a secondary device to the desktop.

MacOS Improvements

We have added highly requested features to MacOS which were already present on Windows already:

Adobe Lightroom implementation

Control Adobe Lightroom directly through Touch Portal without the need for shortcut combinations. Use sliders to quickly set the image adjustments in Lightroom.

All new Lightroom actions, events and connectors.

Usability Improvements

This version is packed with several usability improvements. We have been striving for this version to be the most user friendly version we have made so far.

Usability Improvements - Plug & Play Buttons

In this version, we have added a large collection of buttons that you can add without having to make them yourself. Just drag the premade control to your Page and finish the wizard. The Page Settings migrated to a button in the page control bar to make room for the plug and play buttons.

Drag the premade button to your Page.

Once dragged and dropped onto a location on the grid, the wizard will guide you through the necessary elements to specify. After you have chosen the button Theme and specified the settings for the button, it will be fully created with all actions and events present. Of course, you can always edit the full button as usual to make it fit your requirements exactly.

Example of the wizard to for an OBS source toggle button.

Usability Improvements - P&P Button Theming

You are now able to create themes for buttons that you can use for the new ready-made buttons, for the auto generated button for navigating back to the main page and for new buttons that you create to automatically get a theme set up to allow you to create and edit your button as efficiently as possible.

Create your own preset button themes for newly create buttons.

Usability Improvements - Action Category List

We have also improved the action category list:

  1. The category collection in Touch Portal has grown over the years. We have added many additional categories of actions and we have also seen a great number of plug-ins being created for Touch Portal. When using a lot of them, the list can become a big pile of unorganized functionality. To fix this, we have introduced new category collections that will parent specific types of categories.
    Category collection will group category for their main purpose.
  2. Multiple Level - Categories can have sub categories to even allow for more clear structuring. Plug-in developers can also make use of this to also integrate plug-ins in the normal structure.
  3. Clear search button - We have added a clear search field button inside the search area to make it easier to quickly search and use actions.
    Click on the 'x' to clear the search field.
  4. Resizable width - In the past, you were able to set the category list to a small or wide view. With this version, we have made it resizable by dragging the side of the category list.
  5. Favorites always visible - The favorites are no longer affected by the search query, meaning that you will always have direct access to your favorite actions and events.

Action List - Improvements

We have made several improvements to have a better experience when building your flows.

Action List - New Themes

You already had the ability to set your own color theme for the actions lists from the settings menu. We have expanded this by also adding different styles to choose from. Choose your theme and your color scheme to get the flows to look the way you want.

Examples of the added action list themes.

Action List - Visuals Tags!

Touch Portal nows shows visual tags in the text where you use dynamic text variables. It will no longer show you long IDs, but instead it will show you the name of the state, Value or text variable.

Examples of a visual tag added in a text field.

Action List - Tools for Actions

Each action will have an action box attached to the end of the line, which will show when you hover your mouse over the action. This box has different kinds of actions you can do on that specific action, such as:

The Play Audio (advanced) action with the tool box on the right.

Plug-in API changes

With API version 7 we have introduced a lot more possibilities for plug-in developers. Check out the updated API documentation as well.

And we have fixed a few bugs as well:

Plug-in API V2 Documentation

We have reworked (and appended) the API documents to have a more consistent and clear structure. The new documentation can be found here.

Category - Navigation

To allow for even more control over your navigation, we have also added a new navigation event that was missing.

When A Page Is Changed
This action allows you to listen to Page changes and act on it.

Category - Input

To allow for even more control over your desktop, we have also added a new input action that was missing.

Move Mouse
This action allows you to move the mouse to a specific location on your screen(s)

Category - Utilities

To be able to make even better logic systems, we have also added a few new utility actions that were missing.

Clipboard Content to Value
With this action you store the current contents of the systems clipboard to a Value.
Set Clipboard Content
With this action you can copy text to the clipboard.
Restart Touch Portal
With this action you can restart Touch Portal.
Start / Stop a Plugin
This action allows you to start or stop a plug-in.
On Touch Portal initialized
This event will trigger when Touch Portal is initialized. This event can only be used in the global Events and needs the Pro upgrade to function.
(placeholder for On Page Changed event)

We have also made small improvements on:

Category - Values & States

To be able to make even better logic systems we have also added a few new Values and States actions that were missing.

Trim Value
This will remove all white spaces from the front and from the back of the values text. This will assume the Value is of type text.
Get Substring
This action allows you to get part of a text Value
Get Length Of Text
This action allows you to get the length of a given text and store it into a Value.
Split Value And Get N-th Item
This action allows you to split a text with a delimiter and get the n-th item from the split text.

We have also made small improvements on:

Category - File IO

We have also added actions that were missing in the File IO category.

Remove Lines from File
With this action you can remove lines from a text file.

We have also made small improvements on:

Category - HTTP

Our HTTP category was missing a few actions so we have added them to have the HTTP actions complete.

Http Delete
With this action you can do an http call of the type DELETE
Http Patch
With this action you can do an http call of the type PATCH

We have also made improvements:

Category - Visuals actions

Url to button Icon
With this action you can load an url image and set that image as the icon.
Restore Button Visuals
With this action you can set the specific parts of the visuals of a button to its original settings.
Change Page Background Image
This action allows you to change the background image of the Page.
Keep Icon the same as external Image
This event will keep track of the image file pointed to. Whenever the file is changed, it will update the icon of the button.
Change Slider Containers color by percentage
With this connector you can change the color of the container of the value bar from one color to another based on the percentage of the current value.
Change Slider Value color
With this connector you can change the color of the value bar depending on the value of the slider. This connector has two methods; relative which will make the gradient based on the full width of the bar container and absolute which will make the gradient based on the actual length of the value bar.
Change Slider Text
With this connector you can change the text of a slider when the slider is being used and the value changes. You can set a text with the wildcard $sliderval which will then be replaced by the actual value (or percentage) with the specified decimals.

We have also made improvements:

Category - Media actions

Stop All Audio with Id
With this action you can stop all audio playing with a given id. This id can be set when playing an audio file using the 'Play Media (Advanced)' action.

We have also implemented a few other improvements:

Category - OBS (Websocket 5+)

The websocket 5.0 (and later) comes with additional functionality and is continuous being developed, so in this version we have integraded a few of these 5.0 specific actions

Set Source Text
With this action you can set a text of a text source directly. This canonly be applied to a Text Source. When using this action Touch Portal will turn of the link to a file in the source in OBS.
Set Browser Source Url
With this action you can set the url of a browser source directly. This canonly be applied to a Browser Source.
Refresh Browser Source
With this action you can refresh a browser source.
Set Image Source file
With this action you can set the image of an image source directly. This canonly be applied to a Images Source.
Set Video Source file
With this action you can set the video of a video source directly. This canonly be applied to a Video Source.
Start, Stop and Toggle Virtual Cam
With this action you can start and stop the virtual cam in OBS.
Set Duration of Current Transition
With this action you can set the duration of the current transition.
Send Raw Request
This action allows you to make custom requests to the OBS Websocket v5+. This allows you to do additional requests that are not (yet) implemented directly in Touch Portal.
When Custom Request Result Are Returned
This event allows you to listen to the result of a Custom Request by ID
On Virtual Cam State change Event
With this event you can listen to the moment the virtual cam is either activated or de-activated.
On Previous Scene Changed
With this event you can keep track of the previous scene in OBS. Everytime youchange a scene in OBS, the old one will be stored as the previous scene in OBS.
On Preview Scene Changed
With this event you can react on when the Preview scene changes. Everytime you change the preview scene, this event will be triggered based on the settings.
When Studio Mode changed
With this event you can react on when the Studio Mode turns on or off.

We have also implemented a few other OBS websocket 5+ additions:

Category - Twitch

Twitch Get Profile Image Url to Value
This action will get the profile picture or the offline picture of auser specified by loginname and stores it in a Value.
Get Twitch Channel Info
This action allows you to retrieve your currente channel information such as the title, the game, the game id and the tags.
When Slow Chat State Changes
This event allows you to listen for changes in the Slow Chat settings.
When Unique Chat State Changes
This event allows you to listen for changes in the Unique Chat State.
When Emotes Only State Changes
This event will listen to the emotes only chat being active or not
When Followers Only State Changes
This event will listen to the followers only chat being active or not

We have also added, improved, removed or updated a few other Twitch elements:

And we made improvements and fixes:

Category - Photoshop

We have made additions and improvements for the Photoshop integration as well;

Execute Custom Script
This allows you to execute custom Photoshop Scripts (Lua) in Photoshop.
Set Both Main Working colors
With this action you set both colors in one go. This action has better performance in comparison with using two separate actions for changing both the foreground and the background colors.
Trim Image
This allows you to trim the image on four sides by removing the transparent colums or rows.

We have also made improvements:

Category - Twitter

Due to new restrictions and new prices by X (formerly Twitter) we can no longer support X actions and events. We have removed this category from Touch Portal. X (Twitter) users can still use it with Touch Portal but this requires the use of a Twitter plug-in.

Icon Editor Upgrade

For our Icon Editor Upgrade users we have added additional options to make the upgrade even beter!

Color Hue Shift

This adjustment allows you to shift the hue of the icon.

Color Rectangle

This adjustment allows you to add a colored rectangle on your icon.

Clip Rectangle

This adjustment allows you to cut out a rectangular part of your icon and replace it with fully transparent pixels. This could be handy to remove unwanted parts of your icon that you want to have replaced by other images for example.

Color Circle

This adjustment allows you to add a colored circle on your icon.

Clip Circle

This adjustment allows you to cut out a circular part of your icon and replace it with fully transparent pixels. This could be handy to remove unwanted parts of your icon that you want to have replaced by other images for example. This action can also be inversed to cut out everything except the specified circle.

Missing States & Values: Date & Time

We have also added more time and date functionality. We have added the following dynamic text variables:

Missing States & Values: System

We have added several states and Values related to the system:

Changes to the logging system

We have made a lot of changes to the logging systems. The most important change is that you can turn it off completely which will improve the performance of executing your buttons and events and reduce disk writes. But that is not all:

Update system

We have also made improvements to the update system.

Import / Export Systems

We have also made improvements to the import and export systems.

New Language Support

We have added the Italian language to our application. We have made the translations using AI tools. If you are Italian and you notice things are not entirely correct, please let us know.

Mobile Deeplinks

For improved usability of Touch Portal on your mobile device and other systems we have introduced deeplink functionality to open a Page through deeplinks on your mobile device.

You can use the tppage:// scheme to open Touch Portal. You can specify the path of your Page as the path of the url. If none is given it will just open Touch Portal on the default Page. If you have a Page stored in your Touch Portal setup in the sub folder 'Example' and the Page is called 'Page 1', you can open it with the full url; tppage://Example/Page%201. Remember that an url needs to follow the proper http protocol so spaces in this case should be set with %20 like in our example. Other characters if used in the Page path should also be converted if present. Some characters cannot be converted and should therefor not be used in the path or Page name if you want to use it with this deeplinking system.

What else?!


Most bug fixes are already mentioned in the sections above but we also fixed some bugs not in those categories: