We have added USB connection to Touch Portal for Windows and Android. For our users who cannot connect using WiFi because they are on a secure network or something like that we now have a solution.
For this to work, you need to turn on ADB-Debugging on your Android phone. You can do this with the following steps:
To connect using USB you have to set in your mobile app that you want to connect to USB instead of WiFi. When set to USB you need to connect from the desktop application to be able to use USB. With USB the connection is maintained from the desktop instead of from the mobile device. Functionality is the same except that you need to start the connection from the desktop application.
Just be sure to switch to wifi if you do not want to use the usb connection anymore.
We have added events to buttons. From this moment buttons can act when an event happens. Events such as start-streaming or new-follower. Just set the event in the events list and every action put below it will be triggered when the event happens.
With this release the system is there but we do not have many events yet, but you have to start somewhere. In future releases we can easily add new events for all sorts of systems and applications! We have added the following events in this release:
Just to be clear; we did not create simple toggle buttons. We have created a system that allows you to create toggle buttons. With this system you can not only create toggle buttons but in the future you can also easily create multi-tap buttons or visual representations on the button (think of cpu/memory usage, followers etc.). We have created this system with freedom of use in mind. We see our users do a lot of impressive things with Touch Portal and we do not want to limit that imagination. Thus we created the building blocks to make toggle buttons. Please read our blog about toggle buttons to understand how the system works. Or you can watch our video below:
We have renewed the communication of Touch Portal. This has some big impact. It allows for USB connections now but it also allows for two way communication between the app and the desktop software. Buttons will be updated in realtime from now on when the page on the mobile device matches the desktop version. If you change the page on the desktop, this will NOT change on the mobile. The mobile is still leading and the desktop application is still for editting the pages but when you edit a page which is the current active page on the mobile device, you will see the changes.
You can now add an action that will change, when run, the visuals of the button you have added the action too. This is an important part of the toggle buttons. You can find the action in the new category called "visuals".
Buttons now have state. You can change the state of a button with this new action. Currently we only allow the state to be set to ON or OFF. In the future we will improve on this to also allow to set a number value. This will then allow for things like multi tap. But that is for the future, for now just ON and OFF.
From now on, when you press a button, the handling of that button will be done asynchronous. This means that you can press multiple buttons without them having to wait for the previous button pressed was completed. Because of the async actions we have widened the limits of a timer action . You can now set the timer from 100 milliseconds to 24 hours. But there is more, from now on you can drag the action to a position instead of swapping it with the action you dragged to. A special grey line will be shown where the action will be placed. To create pages faster and more precise we have also added the feature to copy and paste buttons. But sometimes you just want the same look and feel so we added a copy and paste button style as well. Just right click on the button and select the action you want to do. We also changed the default ports because our previous port was a port that was used by quite a few other software packages.
And of course we have fixed some bugs: